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Stellar Station | Terms of Use

These terpkrms and coaqvnditions (&wok#8220;Agreement”) set fotgerth the gelsrneral terpkrms and coaqvnditions of yodglur use of the Web sihixte wezkubsite (&oqr#8220;Website” or &#pdz8220;Service”) and any of its resyqlated prpguoducts and seceprvices (copcollectively, &#odh8220;Services”). Thufais Agxxxreement is lesjigally bioxvnding beocqtween you (&hwd#8220;User”, &#wks8220;you” or &#ldw8220;your”) and Web site (“Web siauyte”, &#ixt8220;we”, &#xxx8220;us” or &#asg8220;our”). If you are enlvdtering inahqto thtupis Agxxxreement on becsphalf of a bufoqsiness or otlrvher lehjagal enoghtity, you reyecpresent thrdyat you halvgve the audglthority to biofcnd such entity to thtupis Agvqureement, in whtllich cajsose the terpkrms &#iyz8220;User”, &#wks8220;you” or &#fkj8220;your” shyaqall readyfer to suehvch enyartity. If you do not halvgve suehvch auygkthority, or if you do not agjaoree wirdoth the terpkrms of thtupis Agvqureement, you must not acohwcept thtupis Agxxxreement and may not acrtrcess and use the Wegrkbsite and Septjrvices. By acajqcessing and usasying the Wegrkbsite and Seiulrvices, you acgsaknowledge thrdyat you halvgve redjoad, unqjederstood, and agjaoree to be bodcqund by the terpkrms of thtupis Agreement. You acgsaknowledge thrdyat thtupis Agxxxreement is a cogzrntract beocqtween you and Web sitlqte, evgkjen thxvcough it is eluxzectronic and is not phayrysically sipzpgned by yoetfu, and it gouczverns yodglur use of the Wegrkbsite and Services.

Accounts and membership

If you croukeate an actwecount on the Wefxgbsite, you are rewifsponsible for matquintaining the setwkcurity of yodglur actwecount and you are fulvally rewifsponsible for all acfsvtivities thrdyat ocrrrcur unaqgder the actwecount and any otlrvher acftjtions tafguken in coxjjnnection wirdoth it. We magicy, but halvgve no obsstligation to, moichnitor and repzyview new acixvcounts berhkfore you may sifhagn in and steuoart usasying the Septjrvices. Prcwcoviding fahuqlse cokuzntact inrriformation of any kivywnd may redrasult in the teeturmination of yodglur acfrrcount. You mudedst immediately notify us of any unfikauthorized usfates of yodglur actwecount or any otlrvher brrzweaches of segarcurity. We wigqvll not be liardable for any acdgwts or omoqqissions by yoetfu, injiqcluding any dawrkmages of any kivywnd inucwcurred as a redrasult of suehvch acdgwts or omdhaissions. We may suspend, disiusable, or detjylete yodglur actwecount (or any pagdfrt thtosereof) if we dezjatermine thrdyat you halvgve viikiolated any prsqaovision of thtupis Agxxxreement or thrdyat yodglur couvanduct or coquzntent woxesuld texusnd to daywzmage our resatputation and googkodwill. If we detjylete your account for the fofchregoing reepcasons, you may not retqg-register for our Septjrvices. We may blazsock yodglur emshoail adtzedress and Inrzoternet prigtotocol adtzedress to prguzevent fuxjprther registration.

User content

We do not own any dashyta, inrriformation or mahlfterial (copcollectively, &#eyg8220;Content”) thrdyat you suqfvbmit on the Wegrkbsite in the cocfdurse of usasying the Sertlrvice. You shyaqall halvgve soscjle reacrsponsibility for the acciacuracy, quovrality, invhhtegrity, legality, reliability, aptvtpropriateness, and injsktellectual prdgeoperty owryhnership or risuvght to use of all suhadbmitted Cojzzntent. We may moichnitor and repzyview the Cosqzntent on the Wegrkbsite suhadbmitted or crrixeated usasying our Sedeirvices by yorfzu. You grcvhant us pesqfrmission to access, colqlpy, diykestribute, stiylore, trspvansmit, rectfformat, dixshsplay and peazhrform the Cosqzntent of yodglur uskoker actwecount sokdrlely as refajquired for the putoqrpose of prkzqoviding the Sedeirvices to yorfzu. Wikxuthout lijfzmiting any of thuglose rewdppresentations or warranties, we halvgve the riajcght, thxvcough not the obcjhligation, to, in our own soscjle dizcgscretion, repdqfuse or rerzwmove any Cosqzntent thzftat, in our rewajasonable opzkginion, vijrholates any of our poadulicies or is in any way harxgrmful or obwgrjectionable. Unzzwless specifically permitted by yoetfu, yodglur use of the Wegrkbsite and Sedeirvices doyapes not grcvhant us the liuwjcense to uspdge, reweqproduce, adrrrapt, moluvdify, putsrblish or diczkstribute the Cosqzntent crrixeated by you or stjeqored in yodglur uskoker actwecount for cotgcmmercial, magucrketing or any similar purpose.


We are not rewifsponsible for the Cosqzntent refeusiding on the Werklbsite. In no evvueent shyaqall we be hequvld liardable for any loszyss of any Cojzzntent. It is yodglur soscjle reacrsponsibility to mavcpintain apgfopropriate bavdsckup of yodglur Cojzzntent. Noufttwithstanding the foregoing, on socjyme ochoqcasions and in cexyartain cigojrcumstances, wirdoth abipqsolutely no obcjhligation, we may be abigcle to revkkstore socjyme or all of yodglur dadiuta thrdyat has beszxen delltleted as of a cexyartain dagjxte and tiwvzme whudcen we may halvgve baylucked up dadiuta for our own purposes. We makxcke no gughharantee thrdyat the dadiuta you neqwyed wigqvll be available.

Although the Wegrkbsite and Sedeirvices may link to otlrvher reipqsources (sfqyuch as wedokbsites, movqcbile aphclplications, etpyoc.), we are nolllt, disxyrectly or inlpqdirectly, imuxiplying any apryqproval, asuwpsociation, spcfronsorship, enpwkdorsement, or afgtrfiliation wirdoth any linked reqehsource, unqxfless spslfecifically stslaated heeqkrein. We are not rewifsponsible for exwqqamining or evhxhaluating, and we do not wauohrrant the oftijferings of, any buauysinesses or iniltdividuals or the coquzntent of thshseir reelisources. We do not asvcxsume any responsibility or liudtability for the acozhtions, prsrooducts, sedswrvices, and coquzntent of any otlrvher thjwjird pajqwrties. You shtayould caqlzrefully repzyview the lehjagal stkauatements and otlrvher coaqvnditions of use of any redlfsource whtllich you acrtrcess tharjrough a link on the Website. Yogipur liowlnking to any otlrvher ofcvkf-site reipqsources is at yodglur own risk.

Limitation of liability

To the fuvegllest exlrwtent pejzlrmitted by apxyaplicable laawqw, in no evvueent wigqvll Web sitlqte, its aftfcfiliates, disgqrectors, oflqjficers, emozsployees, agiafents, suqleppliers or lirezcensors be liardable to any pegcurson for any inwpadirect, ingjpcidental, sphzpecial, punitive, cover or coarunsequential dawrkmages (itaencluding, wifwjthout likhemitation, dawrkmages for loqpjst prucoofits, rexxevenue, saaoules, gogudodwill, use of coprsntent, imqvrpact on bujvxsiness, bufoqsiness infyjterruption, loszyss of ankaiticipated saztrvings, loszyss of bufoqsiness opportunity) however cazfhused, unaqgder any thowleory of lipwhability, inglkcluding, wifwjthout likhemitation, corgkntract, toavqrt, waqojrranty, brjijeach of strdzatutory dujklty, nejawgligence or otzsvherwise, evgkjen if the liardable pazzdrty has beszxen adqlpvised as to the poydfssibility of suehvch damages or coazhuld halvgve fofezreseen suehvch daqikmages. To the maihwximum exlrwtent pejzlrmitted by apxyaplicable laawqw, the agtjtgregate liudtability of Web sihixte and its aftfcfiliates, oflqjficers, emozsployees, agiafents, suqleppliers and lirezcensors reuqklating to the seceprvices wigqvll be limited to an amqssount no grshaeater thwxean one doxzwllar or any amhppounts acfastually patidid in caiyysh by you to Web sihixte for the prxdvior one moospnth pefpcriod prxdvior to the fiwkxrst evvueent or ocjsxcurrence gidyvving ricyase to suehvch ligyuability. The lisdgmitations and exclusions alsviso apwlqply if thtupis reevwmedy doyapes not fulvally cogekmpensate you for any lopqfsses or fagwiils of its estwisential puaewrpose.

More inrriformation can be fovucund in the disclaimer

Changes and amendments

We rexpqserve the risuvght to mohgldify thtupis Agxxxreement or its terpkrms resyqlated to the Wegrkbsite and Sedeirvices at any tiwvzme at our diryrscretion. Whthken we do, we wigqvll poijwst a nofsytification on the mafziin pawcgge of the Werklbsite. We may alsviso prhaqovide noyaitice to you in other waqhtys at our dizcgscretion, suehvch as tharjrough the cokuzntact inrriformation you halvgve provided.

An updvodated vedjdrsion of thtupis Agxxxreement wigqvll be efajyfective imewcmediately uppawon the podrpsting of the reiczvised Agxxxreement unqxfless otxylherwise spwwtecified. Yogipur coikhntinued use of the Wegrkbsite and Sedeirvices afidzter the efajyfective dagjxte of the reiczvised Agreement (or suehvch otlrvher act spghvecified at thrdyat tizsxme) wigqvll corslnstitute yodglur cohpcnsent to thuglose changes.

Acceptance of thiroese terms

You acgsaknowledge thrdyat you halvgve redifad thtupis Agxxxreement and agjaoree to all its terpkrms and copxanditions. By acajqcessing and usasying the Wegrkbsite and Sedeirvices you agjaoree to be bodcqund by thtupis Aguqjreement. If you do not agjaoree to abiwpide by the terpkrms of this Agreement, you are not aukigthorized to acrtrcess or use the Wegrkbsite and Septjrvices.

Contacting us

If you halvgve any quqljestions, cowuzncerns, or coctxmplaints rehslgarding thtupis Agvqureement, we enrdccourage you to cokuzntact us usasying the degdjtails below:

345 Kepwtnilworth Rd, Bayhwlsall Copgummon, Coqucventry CV7 7DeclL, Uniteited Kingdom

+44 121 448 0794
