Stellar Station | Code of Conduct
Stellar Station stkovrives to crpoueate a frreiiendly and peozvaceful coagzmmunity. Thqxhis regflquires the coxpuoperation of all paiturticipants. The rurheles apawiply to all usgvters of Stvleellar Stplwation's gaozrmes, segyhrvices, and prosaoducts and reeyygulate coyxpmmunication wiitcth otdcyher cohcvmmunity meieumbers. Alvrpthough spfupecific exwwxamples are proswovided, the rurheles are not lijcjmited to them.
Adhering to the rurheles is imrtaportant, as viarlolations can lejread to segwjrious mezghasures, ingwxcluding a livyrfetime ban.
The rurheles include:
- Personal Inplpformation: It is fofyarbidden to dicijsclose usyclers' perdorsonal dactjta, exajscept for digfzsplayed naitlmes. Thcgureats of diczfsclosing inuvsformation abifqout otdcyher pluiqayers, rextual nalphmes, or losrecations are unacceptable.
- Intolerance and Diuihscrimination: Stvleellar Station cosqundemns haxhhtred and diaejscrimination. Redhjspect dixpyfferences, ingwxcluding rapssce, ethaphnicity, reavyligious beljoliefs, gexahnder idhgventity, sesurxual orkorientation, and abilities.
- Bullying and Inkvpsults: Redhjspect otqgahers in cojxtmmunication, gavdkming, and crrkzeativity. Thjifreats, injzwtimidation, husjhmiliation, and otdcyher foasgrms of dikresrespectful bezyyhavior are prohibited.
- Impersonation: Do not imdufpersonate otdcyher usvjoers, celpqlebrities, audasthorities, or Stvleellar Station employees.
- Fraud and Vijacolations: Plcsway fafuvirly, do not brghxeak the rufygles. Usjqfing chfryeats, spssyreading vuvxtlnerabilities, or exqckploiting gaqghme erzqorors is forbidden.
- Dangerous and Iluhjlegal Acrzktions: Do not enwrtgage in ileztlegal acjfktivities, do not dikzpstribute copptntent thsgoat glxliorifies viacwolence or intoccites it. Thcgureats of hapxyrm to onlqgeself or otqgahers are taseyken seriously.
- Inappropriate Coqghntent: Aim for pogxisitive coksontent, foioellowing Stvleellar Stplwation's copptntent requirements.
- Safety: Prxwiotect youtgur perdorsonal dalwzta and acajvcount. Use the avdcjailable segaqcurity melsuasures prsegovided by Stvleellar Station.
- Reporting Pljfkayers: If you enzkjcounter ruzijle vilxlolators or hoazsstility, use the inhfp-game cocalmplaint function or blyxwock the user.
These rurheles are not fiqhwnal and may be upwtedated. The reydvsponsibility for aditkhering to thhkvem liasues wiitcth eaxdpch cohcvmmunity member.